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How to Reach Out

For any general email about teachings, guiadance, Mahajrya´s events or to contact a specific Teacher/Priest/Master please write to the following email. Any general email sent to officers will be fowarded to the general Mahajrya email.


Mahajrya has a Council of Souls (Parisatatma) formed by 22 Acharyas around the world where all major and minor decisions and requests are evaluated. The purpose of the Mahajrya Council of Souls is to continuously cultivate and refine the structure and operation of Mahajrya so that it may efficiently nurture its members and spread the Dharma.

The 5 main members of this Council are called officers and are the following:


MahAcharya: Grand Master. He/She is the main officer of the whole Mahajrya. He/she is the one that directs the tradition and makes the final decisions after considering the Council of Souls and the other officers. There is only one MahAcharya at the time and at this moment is: the founder of Mahajrya MahaVajra.
 (any email could be answered by his assistants)


DharmAcharya: The Master of Wisdom. He/She is the officer in charge of preserving the dharma, wisdom and techniques of the Mahajrya. There is only one DharmAcharya at a time and at this moment is: Shivagam.
 (any email could be answered by his assistants)

BalAcharya: The Master of Power. He/She is the officer in charge of understanding, developing and transmiting everything related to powers (supernatural abilities).  There is only one BalAcharya at a time and at this moment is: R´Shi D´va (any email could be answered by his assistants)


Alternatively, You Can Reach Us by Filling Out the Contact Form Below.

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All material on this websites is copyright of the Quantum Buddhism Association © and may not be reproduced without prior permission. Some material used with permission from the authors. Quantum Buddhism is a modern adaptation of the MahaJrya (Great Field) Buddhist tradition. Proudly created by HS Designs

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